What is the best European country to live and work in?

Ask most people living outside the UK where they would like to work the most, they will most likely say the UK. Do you feel that your work seeps too much into your personal life? Maybe you should move to Belgium. Workers here enjoy an average of 8.6 hours of free time per day, which exceeds their working hours of 7.4 hours. Locals really value quality family time, getting home in time for dinner each night and taking a month-long vacation throughout the summer to coincide with school holidays.

Many offices in Austria have a working day of 8 to 5, except on Fridays, when employees are encouraged to go home at 3 p.m. Endless “Summer Fridays” aside, the country is also one of the best in the world for people looking to relocate; according to a recent study, 80 percent of expats in Austria said that their work-life balance improved since they moved there (compared to 53 per cent by one hundred of the world average). We imagine that those epic views of the Alps could have helped to tilt the. Working on Sundays is prohibited in Luxembourg (exceptions include maintenance and safety work), which is a government restriction that we can support.

The country also performs well in sleep and vacation departments, with citizens receiving an average of 7.2 hours of sleep per night and a minimum of five weeks of paid annual leave, in addition to national holidays. A country with early afternoon naps has reduced that issue of working life (naps have been shown to increase productivity). If you need another reason to find a job in Spain, what do you think of an annual 30-day holiday allowance?. The quality of life in the Netherlands is one of the best in the world.

Among the countries mentioned in the comparison, the Dutch health system ranks highest and third in the world. In addition, the people of this country are happier than the French, Irish, Germans, Swedes, Englishmen and Belgians. A country with early afternoon naps has reduced that whole working life thing (naps have been shown to increase productivity, by the way). France offers many advantages to young entrepreneurs and allows them to start a business quite easily, with less administrative paperwork than in some European countries.

European Best Destinations is part of the European Commission's EDEN Network (European Destinations of Excellence) and its latest rankings organized with those Americans planning to leave the U. France offers many advantages to young entrepreneurs, allowing them to create a company with less administrative paperwork than in other European countries. For all these reasons, American expats often settle in Athens, a city that offers coworking spaces for digital nomads, attractively priced roommates and moderate rents for a European capital; it also provides a high quality of life for culture, food and life lovers night. Working hours tend to be shorter than in most countries, and the gender division of the labor force is fairly equal: most men and women have a full-time job.

Free movement between the countries of the European Union has opened up many opportunities for those interested in working abroad. Compared to other American or European cities, Poznan is affordable with moderate rents and often cheaper food than in Germany, Switzerland, England or France. Forget the clichés of Latinos sunbathing, the Portuguese are skilled and hardworking and speak English much better than any of their European neighbors. Other countries that ranked among the top 20 European OECD countries with the best work-life balance include Switzerland, Hungary, Luxembourg, Finland, Ireland, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Greece.

Life in London is famous for being expensive, but you're paying a premium for living in one of the most exciting cities in the world. Madrid is the capital of a large country and is therefore more expensive than other parts of Spain, but the cost of living is lower than in many other European capitals such as Vienna, London or Paris. As a small proportion of the German population speaks English, local companies expect employees from other countries to speak German. A cosmopolitan city with a grand opening, Berlin is one of the cheapest European capitals thanks to controlled rents, lower than apartment rentals in major American cities.

Known as Donostia in Basque, San Sebastian is close to the French border, a perfect option to settle in two of the most important countries in Europe. . .